Why is collective narcissism so robustly associate...
Conspiracy theories are explanatory beliefs positing that a group of people plots in secret against one and one’s ingroup (van Prooijen & van Lange, 2...
Projekt "Czy doświadczenie kama muta może obniżyć...
Celem projektu jest zbadanie czy doświadczenie kama muta (stanu afektywnego należącego do kategorii emocji wychodzących poza ‘ja’ polegającego na poc...
See you at the International Society for the Study...
Our lab will be conducting a symposium on Individual predictors of intergroup hostility: facilitators and inhibitors. In this symposium we will talk a...
MindBrainBody Symposium 2019
The 7th MindBrainBody Symposium was organised by the Berlin MindBrainBody Institute on March 15-16. Each year this conference takes place during the I...
Research Methods Challenges: fMRI
As described in my previous post, I recently had the once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sc...
Joining the Max Planck Institute as a Guest Resear...
In the final days August of 2018, I embarked on a journey which was to become one of the most exciting, as well as most challenging experiences of my ...
Mini lit-review of articles measuring pupillometry...
Social psychologists recognize the need for accurate procedural routines when using physiological measurements, in order to obtain reliable outcomes. ...
Collective narcissism, populism and self-esteem
The present wave of populism has reorganized the political map of the world. It brought about the Trump presidency and the crisis around Brexit. Popul...
PrejudiceLab at the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting...
Our full panel session National collective narcissism: vengeful hostility towards minorities and ambivalence towards the European Union has been accep...
Stereotyp osób niewidomych w Polsce
Osoby niewidome są jedną z grup mniejszościowych w Polsce. Według Narodowego Spisu Powszechnego jest ich ok. 155 tysięcy. Jednak rzadko spotykamy oso...
SPSP 2019: Does low self-esteem really lead to out...
The Annual SPSP Convention was held in Portland, Oregon this year. Here, I presented a project which we recently completed with a team of distinguishe...